How to Survive the Rough Days

Paula Jean Ferri
4 min readJan 15, 2018


I had a pretty rough day yesterday. I even had to go to the doctor due to the repercussions. Normally, I love Sundays. They are generally my rest day when it comes to working and a day to re-center myself and my values. I also tend to be surrounded by wonderful people and life is just good.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to downtown Salt Lake City and attend a worldwide devotional for young single adults in my church.

Jess (which is my nickname for my Tourette Syndrome due to it’s own personality) must have been pretty excited, because oh boy was she noisy! Friends and strangers alike were jumping and there was some good distance making heads turn across the crowded room.

I was again surrounded by wonderful people that I loved and heard wise and hilarious words from people I admire, respect and love. Life just couldn’t get any better!

Then, things took a little change. As per her respectful self, Jess stopped making noises and was respectful enough to be silent while still making herself known. My shoulder didn’t stop moving for the full hour.

By the time the talks had ended, I was incredibly sore and quite frankly exhausted from all of the movement. My friend Esther was sitting behind me and said her neck hurt just watching me with all the movement.

But good people and LOTS of them! There were things to see and mingling to do!

Problem though. Once we got outside of the conference center where the devotional was held, there were So. Many. People.


I may or may not have had an anxiety attack. Sadly, anxiety is a co-morbid that I deal with as a side effect of my TS. Normally I have it fairly under control, but I think I was just too tired to really deal with it like I normally do.

Most of this adorable group got lost in the crowd, including my carpool group, which didn’t help matters. I got to a point that I had two of the remaining group holding me on each side because I needed the touch to keep me grounded.

Can I just say again how wonderful these people are?

I mean, look at the halos over these angels!

At one point we found a small opening against a wall, and I instantly put my back to it and wound up squatting against the wall with my hood over my head blocking out as much noise and visual as I could.

As soon as I got home I had a rice pack on my tight shoulders, trying to loosen myself up, curled up under a big heavy blanket with a book and tried to calm down so I could get some sleep.

Sometimes you need a bit of self-care and some good friends just to survive even your favorite events.

But the main thing is you survive and you go on to tic another day.

Isn’t life grand that way? No sarcasm intended, I really mean it. I love the life I live and I love having Jess around to keep me on my toes and keep life interesting.

I love having another day to do what I love- writing and helping others. Another day with great people that motivate and inspire me on a daily basis. Another day to show my gratitude to the people who support me when I can’t take a step by myself.

As I heard last night, our lives are a “choose your own adventure” story. Despite the pain, exhaustion, anxiety and all the rough stuff, I choose joy and goodness.

I’m so glad I’ve found it, but it doesn’t stop there. I choose it day after day, the good days and the bad. If I don’t, I might lose it.

Anything worth having is going to take hard work and many little choices made in the moments that make up our lives. Our choices seem small, we may not think they matter, but over time they add up.

So every day, I choose joy. Every day I choose goodness. Every day, I choose love.

What do you choose?

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Paula Jean Ferri
Paula Jean Ferri

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